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La 'TY'cabane: wood games

From classics like Dutch billiards and kubb to exciting games like air hockey. Games that require patience and precision, collective and competitive games. And even an educational game where you can only feed the herbivore! 

A guaranteed pleasure for adults, who can be joined by children if they wish... 


This cabin has games from 1 to 24 players.

The games can be taken out of the cabin to be played outside.

Please take care to keep them away from moisture.

They must be stored in their location after use.

It is forbidden to:

- climb on the table, the exterior railings or the games placed on the walls

- eat or drink inside

- throw pucks/objects towards people

- let animals in


In the event of loss of parts or breakage, please notify us.

Children under 3 years old are not allowed inside.

La clairière du Verbamont is not responsible for the use of the games and/or the hut area.

1. The tower of Froebel


From 4 to 24 players


Contains: a stirrup connected to 24 strings, 4 stacking cubes


Cooperative game that consists in catching a block with the stirrup to stack it on another block to build a tower. To do this, the group must cooperate!

2 . Mölkky or Finnish bowling


From 2 players or by team


Contains: 12 numbered pins and a wooden bowler

Pin placement:






The player throws the mölkky into the pins, placed 3 or 4 meters away3. The player's score depends on the number of pins knocked down:

- if he knocks down one pin, he scores the value of the pin;

- if more than one pin is knocked down, the number of pins knocked down is scored;

- if a pin is not completely on the ground and is balanced on another pin or on the mölkky, it is not counted.

The fallen pins are then lifted up onto their bases where they stand. Thus the configuration of the playing area changes. Each player takes a turn throwing, and as many rounds as necessary are made.

If a player (or a team) does not score three consecutive times, he (she) is eliminated from the game.

The winner is the one who scores exactly 50 points. If this mark is exceeded, the player's or team's score is reduced to 25.

Therefore, when approaching 50 points, the player must be cautious and knock down only the pin(s) that could bring him/her to 50 points by value (if one pin falls) or by number (if several pins fall). For example, if the score is 48, the player must knock down any two pins or the 2 pin and only that one. If the score is 49, the only solution is to knock down the 1 pin and no other.

The first player or team to reach 50 points wins the game.


3 . Draw your sheep


From 4 players


Contains: a string plotter, a colored pencil or paper, the sheet is not provided. Ask for one at the reception if you don't have one.


Cooperative game, each player takes a string and together draws a sheep.

The group must cooperate to place the pencil tip correctly and move it to draw a sheep!

4 . Pétanque


From 2 players or better in team


Contains: petanque balls, jack


The team that starts the game is drawn, and any participant of this team chooses the starting point and places himself in the circle.

The team member throws the jack from a distance of 6 to 10 meters before throwing the first ball, trying to place it as close as possible to the jack.

The opposing player enters the circle and throws his or her ball, trying to place it even closer to the goal than the opponent's ball, or tries to chase the opponent's ball by shooting it.


If he succeeds, a player from the other team plays again. If not, the players of his team play their balls until they take the point or they have no more balls to play.

As soon as the players on one team run out of balls, their opponents play their balls, trying to place them as best they can. Once both teams are out of balls, the points of the current end are counted. Then, a player from the winning team throws the goal, and the next inning begins.

How to win at petanque?

The first team with a total of 13 points wins the game of pétanque.

How to count the points in petanque?

When no one has any more balls to throw, we look to see which team has its ball closest to the jack. Only this team will score points for the current round.

To determine how many points this team has scored, the following procedure is used: the team that wins the end scores as many points as the number of balls it has closer to the jack than the other team.

5 . Fishing rod


From 1 player


Contains: a fishing rod, 4 rectangular fish with a metal hook


The concept? Fish for the pieces of wood!

6 . Cross the river


From 1 player

Contains: a rocking game board, a golf ball or similar


Score as many points as possible, the road is winding! Played in 3 rounds.

7 . Kubb


From 2 to 12 players



  • Ten Kubbs (rectangular pieces of wood).

  • One King (wooden block larger than the Kubbs and notched).

  • Six sticks (cylindrical shape).

  • Four stakes or markers to delimit the field.


Kubb is an ancient outdoor game sometimes referred to as "Viking chess". The object of the game is to knock down wooden blocks with sticks.

Starting a game of Kubb:

To play kubb, you need space. It is important to choose a grassy area

to avoid damaging the wooden pieces.

To start a game, two teams of players must be formed.

The field must be marked by the four stakes. It is usually 5 meters wide and 8 meters long.

The king, a common piece for both teams, is placed in the middle of the

playing area. The players are placed on each side of the field.

Five kubbs are placed on each side of the field, just in front of each team's camp line.


How to place kubbs on the field:


  • Red squares: these are the 10 kubbs (5 per team).

  • The star : it's the king, common piece to both teams.

  • The pink pentagons : they represent the players.

How to play Kubb?

To determine which team starts the game, one player from each team must throw a stick as close to the king as possible, without touching him. The successful player starts the game first.

The goal of the game of Kubb is to knock the king down first. But before you can overthrow the king, you must knock down his soldiers, represented by the kubbs.

Team A begins the game by throwing their six sticks from their starting line, with the goal of knocking down the opposing kubbs. The sticks must be thrown in a bell pattern. It is forbidden to throw them in the manner of a Frisbee.

The kubbs knocked down by Team A are then thrown by Team B towards Team A's half of the field. Team A picks up the kubbs and they become "field kubbs". If a thrown kubb goes out of bounds, the player has a second chance to throw it into the opponent's half. If the player fails again, Team A can place the kubb anywhere on their side of the field.

The game changes hands and it is up to Team B to throw their 6 sticks. If there are any "field kubbs", Team B must knock them down first before they can knock down the base kubbs located on the opponent's line. When a "fielding kubb" is knocked down, it is removed from the game. Once all the sticks have been thrown by Team B, Team A throws its overturned kubbs into Team B's court.

If a base kubb (located on a team's starting line) is knocked down by a bat while a "fielding kubb" is still standing, the base kubb is raised. If a kubb knocks down a "field kubb", the two are combined into a "tower" and it is easier to knock them down later.

The game continues until one team has knocked down all of their opponent's kubbs (base kubbs and field kubbs). Once they have done this, they can finally take on the king with the remaining sticks.

How to win a game of kubb?

The first team to knock over the king wins the game. Note that the king must never be knocked down before. If the king is knocked down by a team while there are still kubbs on the field, the team is eliminated and the game is lost.


8 . Wonderbox with stones

1-2 players

Contains: two wooden boxes, 8 red stones


Separate the two boxes the length of the rope. Throw the stones into the opponent's camp. The winner has the most stones in the other's camp.

9 . Tilt

From 1 player


Contains a tray with a rocking lane, a golf ball.


The goal: To make the ball go down to the bottom without touching it and using the lanes of descent.

10. « Air » hockey

2 players

Contains: a game board, two hitters, a puck


The goal of the game is to put the puck in the goal of the opponent's camp while protecting its goal.

11. "Sjoelbak"

From 1 player


Contains: a long game board with trays, 9 small pucks


The goal of the game is to make the maximum of points (from 1 to 4) by entering the 9 pucks in the boxes for that it is a question of making slide the dishes without exceeding the limit wood. Dutch billiards can be played alone or with others. In this simplified version of Dutch billiards, you count the number of pucks in the square, each puck is worth the number of points assigned to the square.


2 pucks in square I = 2*1 points = 2 points

1 puck in square IIII = 1 * 4 points = 4 points

12. Less = more

From 1 player

Contains: a long game board, colored pebbles


The goal of the game is to have the least amount of points possible

13. Badaboum

1 to 2 players

Contains: wooden shapes, balance board


Played in several rounds. Players take turns placing a wooden shape on the board. The pieces can be stacked, the player who makes the board tilt and lose the pieces, has lost the round.

14. The trap door

2 players


Contains: a game board with two throwing straps, 10 white pucks


The goal : You have to pass all the pucks in the opponent's camp. Use the elastic to fire the pucks to the other camp. It is played in three parts.


15. Reach the sun

From 1 player


Contains: a game board outside, a ball elevator, a golf ball


The aim of the game: To reach the sun and get the ball into it. To do this, you have to avoid the holes in the maze.

16. Who is it?

2 players

Contains: two visuals on each side of the table with boxes to find


You just have to find your opponent's character by asking him/her questions, he/she can only answer yes or no. Use the small wooden flaps to eliminate the candidates according to your questions.


17. Aims right

From 1 player

Contains: a ring collector, 6 blue rope rings


Throw the rings and count your points.

The winner is the one who scores the most.

18. Feed the herbivores

From 1 to 4 players


Contains : 6 pucks


Players take turns throwing the pucks towards the holes in the game, aiming only at the herbivores. The starting point can be different depending on the age of the participants. The player who has the most pucks in the herbivore boxes wins.


19. Clear'all

From 1 player

Contains: 4 rocking figures and 1 launcher attached to a string


The concept: make the animals fall in a minimum of throws.

20. Giant mikado

From 2 to 4 players


Contains: 40 bamboo chopsticks


To begin, players can determine together the point value of the different chopsticks. Then, one of the players gathers all the chopsticks together and drops them in a fan on the ground. The first player then tries to remove one of the sticks from the pile without moving the others. If he succeeds, he can continue to remove other sticks, otherwise he passes his turn to the next player. The game is over when all the bamboos are collected. It is then up to each player to count his points according to the rules set at the beginning of the game. The winner will be the one who has collected the most points.

21. Chinese plates

From 1 player


Contains: plastic plates, sticks


Goal : to make the plates swing and turn on the sticks

22. Ping-pong


There is also a large ping-pong table on the campground next to the parking lot.

23. The ring


From 1 player

Contains: a ring hanging on a string, a hook hanging on the TY cabin


Take the ring hanging on the string, aim the hook on the TY Cabin. Played in 3 rounds.


24. 4-in-a-row

For 2 players


Contains: pink and blue round pieces, a wooden grid suspended from the straw hut.


Each player in turn takes a piece of their colour and inserts it in the column of their choice at the bottom, trying to line up 4 pieces of their colour before their opponent, either horizontally, vertically or diagonally.


If neither of the 2 players has managed to line up 4 pieces before the grid is full, then the person who inserted the last piece loses.

25. OXO

For 2 players

Each player has their own symbol, usually a cross for one and a circle for the other. The game ends when one of the players has aligned 3 symbols or when the grid is completed without a winner.

26. The 5 fingers


2-4 players.

Each player is allowed to use only one hand.

The first player is drawn at random and turns the wheel.

He must place one of his fingers on the color indicated by the arrow. If you land on the color white, you can play the color of your choice. Then it’s the other player to turn the wheel and play.

If you can’t place a finger on the corresponding color, you pass your turn.

The first player who has placed his 5 fingers wins.

Of course, each finger must stay where it is!

27. Skiing time


For 4 players : 2 against 2.

Place your feet in each strap, then move forward together on these funny wooden skis. The team who reaches a finish line (to be determined together) first, has won.

28. The blind box game


Can be played by 2 or 4 players.

Put your hand in the box and find an identical pair without looking. Pull it up and place it on the box. Whoever reassembles the most pairs wins the game.

29. The labyrinth


Put the ball in the center, but coordinate with your playmates!

30. The birdZ


Minimum 4 players.

The pink flamingo team versus the green woodpecker team.

In the forest behind the stone hut, you'll find 6 pink and 6 green nesting boxes.

Each team has a bird imitator and a bird guesser. Under each birdnest you find the name of a bird. You can imitate the bird, imitate gestures and postures, but you can't speak! Your teamplayer(s) have to guess which bird you imitate. The team who guessed the most birds has won. Each team takes turns to imitate and guess.

31. Bag race


Each participant slips into a bag and jumps into the race... it's impossible to stay frozen!

The longer the distance, the greater the difficulty...

A timeless game for young and old alike. Great laughs ahead!

32. La toile d'araignée


Traverse la toile sans faire de bruit !

Un jeu pour le plaisir des petits et des grands, 

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