Circuits vélo de route dans les Vosges

Circuits pour vélo de route

Nos circuits sont conçus et adpatés au vélo de route et ils partent depuis votre lieu d'hébergement. Vous y trouverez des circuits adaptés pour tout niveaux. Ces circuits sont téléchargeables en format pdf ou en format gpx. Nous vous invitons à téléchargez l'application VISORANDO ou vous trouverez d'autres circuits en ligne.
Profitez d'un lieu labellisé accueil vélo adapté pour toute la famille, des dénivellations plus douces que les parcours du massif des Vosges. Des activités pour les enfants ou les accompagnants pas fan de vélo !
Restez tranquille dans votre cabane au coin du feu ou visiter les environs avec vos enfants soit à vélo ou à pieds, il y a quantités de randonnées ou de visites à faire sur place.
Verbamont, Moscow, Jerusalem in one day!

Petite touche d'humour pour ce parcours de 2 heures reliant Moscou, Jerusalem et La Haye en passant principalement par des petits chemins, des routes forestières praticables à vélo de route et traversant plusieurs petits hameaux. Un beau petit circuit à travers la forêt classée parmi l'une des 15 plus belles forêts françaises. (Forêt de Darney, La Vôge, labellisée forêt d'exception en 2023).
Verbamont, Moscow, Jerusalem in one day!

Boucle à vélo de route avec une majorité de petites routes en mi-forêt et mi-paysage agricole. Vous y découvrirez la cité thermale de Vittel, la Maison de la Forêt à Darney.
Verbamont, Moscow, Jerusalem in one day!

À travers cette boucle vous découvrirez toutes les stations thermales vosgiennes et vous pouvez vous retrouvez le soir, à deux, dans une cabane insolite, au cœur de la forêt classée d'exception de la Vôge.
Cette boucle permet de découvrir Bains-les-Bains et Plombières-les-Bains. Elle est à combiner, si vous le souhaitez, avec la boucle Ouest (Bourbonne-les-Bains, Martigny-les-Bains, Contrexéville et Vittel.)
Verbamont, Moscow, Jerusalem in one day!

À travers cette boucle de deux jours, vous découvrirez toutes les stations thermales vosgiennes et vous retrouvez le soir, à deux, dans une cabane insolite au cœur de la forêt classée d'exception de la Vôge.
La première boucle est la boucle Ouest : elle permet de découvrir Bourbonne-les-Bains, Martigny-les-Bains, Contrexéville et Vittel.
Verbamont, Moscow, Jerusalem in one day!

Boucle sportive au départ de l'éco-camping de la Clairière du Verbamont avec passage dans la forêt classée d'exception de la Vôge puis le long du Canal des Vosges, ainsi qu'à la ville thermale de Bains-les-Bains et à l'ancienne féculerie.
Verbamont, Moscow, Jerusalem in one day!

Route "patrimoine" dans La Vôge avec passages en forêt et en plaine principalement des petites routes communales ou forestières adaptées au vélo de route.
Verbamont, Moscow, Jerusalem in one day!

Plongez dans l'histoire de la libération des Vosges grâce à ce parcours de 200km entièrement balisé. Des bornes et des panneaux explicatifs situés dans 14 communes vous retraceront l'avancée de la division menée par le général Leclerc. Privilégiant les petites routes et faisant la part belle aux paysages de l'Ouest vosgien, ce parcours cyclotouristique unique est à l'initiative du PETR de la Plaine des Vosges, le balisage a été assuré par le Département des Vosges. Histoire de la 2ème DB: Le 1er août 1944, la 2ème Division Blindée du Général Leclerc de Hautecloque débarque à Utah beach, sur la commune de Saint-Martin-de-Varrevile, dans la Manche. Les soldats du général débutent alors leur chevauchée libératrice vers Strasbourg. Le serment prononcé à Koufra, trois ans auparavant est alors accompli : libérer la ville de Strasbourg. Avant cela, la 2ème DB traverse les Vosges et libère les communes de l’Ouest vosgien. De la Normandie jusqu’en Alsace, le passage de la 2ème DB dans les communes est signalé par des bornes spécifiques. Toutes ont soit été libérées par les soldats, soit servies de poste de commandement provisoire au Général Leclerc.
Bike tour familly friendly in the vosges, France
“On this route around Bains les Bains, the difficulties are well distributed with possibilities of recovery throughout the 104 kilometers. Slightly hilly, the course takes a few beautiful bumps of about 1 kilometer with percentages of + or - 10%. This is ideal for improving its explosiveness. In each of these bumps try to produce a sustained effort for 30 seconds then recover. Use a 39x25 gear to make sure you pass difficulties with a good pedaling frequency. After having done your training, like me, you will be part of the punchers category! "
Nacer BOUHANNI, professional cyclist
You like hiking, you are an experienced hiker or a beginner hiker. You are looking for hiking circuits to prepare your hike in the Vosges. During the Spring, summer or All Saints holidays, a weekend or a weekend in Pont de Mai. My experience of hiking in France, Belgium, Germany, Switzerland allows you to bring you my advice for routes with magnificent trails and exceptional panoramas.
These trails are created by me and put online on visorando, the site but you will also find the trails of the Vosges club, the GR courses in particular the GR 7 which pass near Darney. Hiking for the day or for a stay of several nights focused on walking and well-being.
Road trip in the Vosges, on the Vosges mountains or in the Vosges plain, you will find a good address at Christophe's to spend an exotic week of hiking through the Vosges.
The unusual campsite la clairière du verbamont allows a stay oriented hiking Vosges.
In addition today, thanks to new technologies, there is no need for a guide, it has become easy to 'orientate yourself using GPS or with your smartphone by downloading the gpx track.
Whether at Hohneck, on Markstein, Trehkopf, Lake Kruth, Ventron.
Or the landscape of the Vosges lakes with Lake Gérardmer, Lake Longemer, Lake White, Lake Black, Lake Bouzey, Lake Xonrupt or Lake Kruth, Lake Lauch.
These circuits in the Vosges mountains, in the Hautes Vosges are rather reserved for good mountain walkers as well as the Markstein circuit, Alsace lake, the valley of Rimbach, the nature reserve of the massif du Ventron, the circuit of the large balloon or of the Guebwiller balloon. These trails sometimes close to rocky ridges with views of the panoramas of deep valleys are splendid. These circuits are reserved for good walkers. You have a median level in hiking, the Ourche valley allows this diversity between history, landscape, valley, steep terrain or the forest plateau.
Indeed the exceptional forest of Darney, famous for the quality of these oaks is an ideal place for the amateurs of excursions in forests of Lorraine.
On this site you will find: information on consumer rights in relation to bivouacs in France, wilderness camping, a natural camping area and municipal camping, the best plans for leaving. You will find all this information by subscribing to the blog of the campsite La Clairière du Verbamont, unusual accommodation and nature camping.
Posts on 4 great hikes to do in the Vosges, Massif des Vosges or plain for hiking?, 3 hikes off the beaten track in the Vosges for a family, go on vacation inexpensively? A weekend in the countryside 1 hour from Nancy and many other weekend ideas for lovers of nature, the great outdoors and outdoor sports.
Why go several days to hike in the Vosges?
There is so much to do to see here, tours, museums, local history, beautiful landscapes, the magnificent starry sky at night in my cabin.
By leaving for several days you have time to decompress, to take the time, slow tourism some will say! Whether it is by traveling over several days or by making loops from the place of accommodation, all solutions are possible.
The simplicity of a hike of a few hours, a meal at the table d'hôte and a campfire under the stars. A simple little happiness.
The easy routes of 4 to 25 km are suitable for all levels, some for those who like to climb, others more peaceful to walk, others for lovers of history, others for those who do not want to see person and looking for the wild. Christophe your host will know how to inform you about the good places to pick blueberries, raspberries, wild strawberries, a good restaurant for lunch or even indicate a quiet place for a swim. And for cycling enthusiasts, we are labeled ACCUEIL VELO.

The story of the 3 little pigs
You like hiking, you are an experienced hiker or a beginner hiker. You are looking for hiking circuits to prepare your hike in the Vosges. During the Spring, summer or All Saints holidays, a weekend or a weekend in Pont de Mai. My experience of hiking in France, Belgium, Germany, Switzerland allows you to bring you my advice for routes with magnificent trails and exceptional panoramas.
These trails are created by me and put online on visorando, the site but you will also find the trails of the Vosges club, the GR courses in particular the GR 7 which pass near Darney. Hiking for the day or for a stay of several nights focused on walking and well-being.
Road trip in the Vosges, on the Vosges mountains or in the Vosges plain, you will find a good address at Christophe's to spend an exotic week of hiking through the Vosges.
The unusual campsite la clairière du verbamont allows a stay oriented hiking Vosges.
In addition today, thanks to new technologies, there is no need for a guide, it has become easy to 'orientate yourself using GPS or with your smartphone by downloading the gpx track.
Whether at Hohneck, on Markstein, Trehkopf, Lake Kruth, Ventron.
Or the landscape of the Vosges lakes with Lake Gérardmer, Lake Longemer, Lake White, Lake Black, Lake Bouzey, Lake Xonrupt or Lake Kruth, Lake Lauch.
These circuits in the Vosges mountains, in the Hautes Vosges are rather reserved for good mountain walkers as well as the Markstein circuit, Alsace lake, the valley of Rimbach, the nature reserve of the massif du Ventron, the circuit of the large balloon or of the Guebwiller balloon. These trails sometimes close to rocky ridges with views of the panoramas of deep valleys are splendid. These circuits are reserved for good walkers. You have a median level in hiking, the Ourche valley allows this diversity between history, landscape, valley, steep terrain or the forest plateau.
Indeed the exceptional forest of Darney, famous for the quality of these oaks is an ideal place for the amateurs of excursions in forests of Lorraine.
On this site you will find: information on consumer rights in relation to bivouacs in France, wilderness camping, a natural camping area and municipal camping, the best plans for leaving. You will find all this information by subscribing to the blog of the campsite La Clairière du Verbamont, unusual accommodation and nature camping.
Posts on 4 great hikes to do in the Vosges, Massif des Vosges or plain for hiking?, 3 hikes off the beaten track in the Vosges for a family, go on vacation inexpensively? A weekend in the countryside 1 hour from Nancy and many other weekend ideas for lovers of nature, the great outdoors and outdoor sports.
Why go several days to hike in the Vosges?
There is so much to do to see here, tours, museums, local history, beautiful landscapes, the magnificent starry sky at night in my cabin.
By leaving for several days you have time to decompress, to take the time, slow tourism some will say! Whether it is by traveling over several days or by making loops from the place of accommodation, all solutions are possible.
The simplicity of a hike of a few hours, a meal at the table d'hôte and a campfire under the stars. A simple little happiness.
The easy routes of 4 to 25 km are suitable for all levels, some for those who like to climb, others more peaceful to walk, others for lovers of history, others for those who do not want to see person and looking for the wild. Christophe your host will know how to inform you about the good places to pick blueberries, raspberries, wild strawberries, a good restaurant for lunch or even indicate a quiet place for a swim. And for cycling enthusiasts, we are labeled ACCUEIL VELO.